Had my heart from the Start | Teen Ink

Had my heart from the Start

April 1, 2016
By hopekayla98 BRONZE, Anthony, Kansas
hopekayla98 BRONZE, Anthony, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

So many smiles and so man tears,

My daddy stood by me throughout it all.

Constantly through our past 18 years,

I know that he would never let me fall.

I was given his handsome hazel eyes,

alongside his enormous caring heart.

Advice from him I take for he seems so wise,

I am sure nothing will drive us apart.

He'd fallen in love with me from the start,

Together we are the most best of friends.

My love for the KC Chiefs he did impart,

our bond is truly one that never ends.

To your heart I have always had the key,

and my daddy's girl I will always be.

The author's comments:

Written about my amazing dad who I will always have a special bond with.

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