Contempt | Teen Ink


April 17, 2016
By winter22 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
winter22 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I loved him not, yet I did speak it so
And seldom did I meet his bumptious glance
From autumn until northern winds bore snow
My cóndolence sustained our frail romance.      4
Forbearance passed- his caustic chat contused    
Mendacity is too benign a term      
My foible-being hope-was far abused,
Yet, pride and self-delusion held me firm
Oh, Narcissus your lineage is found
And God does he believe himself to be      
His confidence and certainty abound
Alack! His skill reflects that of a flea       12
My fortitude in severance proved deft
He wonders still why he was left bereft

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