The Dangers of Love | Teen Ink

The Dangers of Love

October 7, 2016
By cede_53 BRONZE, Stevinson, California
cede_53 BRONZE, Stevinson, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Without suffering, there could be no compassion."

Love can be a deleterious thing.

You are always walking on a tightrope.

Trying to see the happy things it brings,

but you have to look through a telescope.

You may hate loving that special someone.

The way your heart drops when you espy them,

immediately, they’re your number one.

You don’t know that love could cause you mayhem.

You were well mindful of that when things fall,

They break or even shatter like glass.

You were naïve to put love before all

And now you are falling hard on your a**.

Your loving heart is such a fragile thing,

When it breaks, it hurts more than a bee sting.

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