Highschool | Teen Ink


December 20, 2016
By NOahD BRONZE, Union, Kentucky
NOahD BRONZE, Union, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High school, overwhelming it used to be.
Many nights lost to books
Freshman are little fish in a big sea
Won’t fit in if ridiculous is how they look.
Popularity is a game you will play.
Competition is always about
People will judge be careful what you say
Outcasts are disliked don’t take that route
Forever will you have memories that are good
The future is what it’s preparing you for
Friendships lasting a life time they could
Guiding and leading you to the right door
At times you may wish it away
In the end you will want to stay 

The author's comments:

I Am in highschool and feel this way about it. 

its my personal experience.

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