Vixen | Teen Ink


March 29, 2017
By AoraChamberlain BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
AoraChamberlain BRONZE, Paragould, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A women rode to town on a grey pony

Her hair was black and her cheeks were cherry red

Her skin could best be compared to ebony

A townsman fell in love who's name was Ned


He praise the beauty of the maid to his friends

He shouted his love for her far and wide

He ask her for her hand, that loving maid

She said yes to his unbelieving mind


When night fell and the nice wedding finished

She went back to serpent form and ate Ned whole

She crept in the shadows until she was diminished

And she also ate her beloved cute foal


If a lesson had to be told,

it is that lust will kill a man stone cold

The author's comments:

first off The name Vixen comes from greek and means a attractive women which if you read it you understand it

second we were reading romeo and juliet in class and the priest said something like teen's love was only in the eye and it got me thinking then i figure i don't know let's write about it and that's how this sonnet got started

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