To a Friend | Teen Ink

To a Friend

May 8, 2018
By TheCurls BRONZE, La Vernia, Texas
TheCurls BRONZE, La Vernia, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He’s a cliche.
Blonde hair and blue eyes.
I swear he’s not like the other guys.


A king sized bed
Laced with Egyptian Cotton.
That will never be forgotten.


Though he won’t admit,
He is a hopeless romantic.
And maybe a bit of an insomniac.


They say we’ll fall in love.
But we’re just great,
Who don’t want any of this to

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by a relationship between myself and a close friend. We have always got along perfectly. We decided to keep things between us platonic, however, this never stopped the people around us from assuming that we were in a romantic relationship.

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