it started in a storm, it ended in one too | Teen Ink

it started in a storm, it ended in one too

May 17, 2018
By gabbyjae BRONZE, Stewart Manor, New York
gabbyjae BRONZE, Stewart Manor, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

through city streets and under raining clouds
we strolled along the line I dared not cross
and danced with thoughts I hoped to say out loud
but all the courage in me had been lost
my raincoat hid the heart upon my sleeve
the fog had helped me hide my feelings feigned
you held out your umbrella over me
and then you left me standing in the rain

the calm before the storm, born in my chest
it surged and swirled and screamed and grew in size
the battles raged to keep it all suppressed
I lost the war, betrayed by my own eyes

all hell broke loose and sounded the alarms
when I witnessed another in your arms

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