My World | Teen Ink

My World

March 4, 2019
By BayYoung SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
BayYoung SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “My World” written by Carl talks about what he loves to do. His writing left me feeling awesome. Carl was watching YouTube and then came across a video about spearfishing. He thought about it and ordered his gear. He waited every day for his gear and then it finally came. His first trip was to Alki. Carl had a friend that went with him. They swam out to a piling and dove down. The water was murky, but he kept descending. When he finally came up he said, “It was an experience I will never forget.” That tells me that he really likes what he is doing and loves it. There are also risk of freediving. “I choose to put myself out there, fighting hypothermia, risking an encounter with seals and occasional sharks,” said Carl. He takes the risk of what it out there, but he loves what he is doing. This article is very good and interesting to read. I understood the article and I am very surprised.

The author's comments:

I love this piece and it was very interesting to read.

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