Midnight Drive | Teen Ink

Midnight Drive

March 4, 2019
By BayYoung SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
BayYoung SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The writing titled “Midnight Drive” written by Jordan Gust talks about the night drive. His writing left me feeling surprised. Jordan and his friends get into an old beat-up minivan for a drive to Taco Bell while his mother drives. They ask if they can get a box of tacos and his mom says yes. Jordan’s other two friends are arguing with each other. Jordan tells them to knock it off. Jordan’s mom yells back for them to stop or they’ll be getting none thing. As they pull into the drive throe, there is a dirty red Chevy. “What catches me is the boy riding shotgun and how he looks so much like the boy I’ve tried so hard to forget,” says Jordan. This gets me mysterious on what is happening. Jordan is thinking about what is around him and everyone is still laughing and talking. The driver of the Chevy leans over to order and his face is framed by the mirror light. “I expect my heart to jump out of my chest or to forget how to breathe but that doesn’t happen,” says Jordan. Jordan seams now very like scared and wondrous. The Chevy drives away and the driver doesn’t look back at him to see him. The article is very mysterious and weird, but that mysterious and weird makes it good. I wonder who it was.

The author's comments:

This article was very suprising to me. It stated off like a normal story and then things started to get weird. Thats what makes it good.

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