A Driving Lesson | Teen Ink

A Driving Lesson

November 3, 2011
By Jenna Prather BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Jenna Prather BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“A Driving Lesson” by Josh Egbert is a great piece. In the October issue, Josh Egbert tells about how his dad is teaching him how to drive at the age of 13. His dad takes him driving and everything goes without fail until he speeds into the garage and crashes into the back wall.

I don’t normally like nonfiction, but I really liked this piece because I can easily relate to it. In addition, any teen learning to drive, or recently driving could most likely relate to it, too. When I read it, I was surprised his dad wasn’t mad, because most dads probably would have been. I know my dad would have been really mad at first, but he would realize I didn’t do it on purpose, and he would get over it quickly. I am glad Josh wrote about his driving experience, because it shows that accidents do happen, and some accidents don’t deserve discipline.

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