Response to "The College Game" | Teen Ink

Response to "The College Game"

November 14, 2013
By amiller SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
amiller SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the November 2013 issue of Teen Ink, Madison Frame captured my attention with her article “The College Game”. The article discusses how she is trying to prepare herself for college and doesn’t have the slightest idea what major she’ll go for. I can relate to this because college is indeed something that I am constantly worrying about. I’m a junior in high school and I still don’t know what I plan on doing when I graduate. I do often see this dilemma in my school because it’s mostly what the teachers talk about. I personally can hardly take their pestering anymore because it’s honestly not helping me pick something any faster. I fear that I won’t meet the standards of some of the colleges that I would even be interested in or meet their deadlines. I’m not the only student wandering aimlessly around school with no idea what they’re doing with their lives. A lot of the students haven’t even looked at colleges, let alone pick a major

The author's comments:
This article is in response to Madison Frame's article "The College Game".

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