Transcendentalism | Teen Ink


January 23, 2014
By David Wheeler BRONZE, Newaygo, Michigan
David Wheeler BRONZE, Newaygo, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Although, the idea of transcendentalism was invented 170 years ago, there are still plenty of examples of it in today’s pop-culture. Transcendentalism is the combination of the beliefs of nonconformity, self-reliance, free thought, confidence, and importance of nature. Today’s pop-culture can be anything from books, music, movies, and popular beliefs in recent times. We might not realize it but transcendentalism is shown in pop-culture everywhere.
One of the important aspects of transcendentalism is the importance of nature. Importance of nature is shown in today’s pop-culture in several ways. One example of importance of nature today would be hunters. Not hunters that just go out to kill a bigger buck than their friend, but hunters that go out to actually be with nature. Emerson said “I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal being circulate through me; I am part or parcel of god.” I believe campers would be a good example of this. Real campers, who go out into nature to think and forget about their worries for a little while. A third example would be the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They are a good example of importance of nature because they protect nature from people who want to destroy it. Importance of nature is shown all over in today’s pop-culture.
Another aspect of transcendentalism that is shown in today’s pop-culture is self-reliance. Self-reliance has been put into our entertainment more than our actual lives. Emerson said “The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.” This is a good example of Catniss in the movie The Hunger Games. In The Hunger Games, 24 teenagers are put into an arena and must fight to the death and only one comes out. It’s a good example because everyone, including herself, doubts she will survive in the arena until she actually tries and people see what she’s capable of. Another, example of self-reliance would be Man vs. Wild. In this show, a man is dropped into a remote place on earth and has to get out with nobody but himself to rely on. The Most Dangerous Game, is a book also based on self-reliance. In this book, the captain of a ship wrecks on a mysterious. On the island is a man who gives the captain a knife and tells him he is to be hunted for a certain time period, if he survives he is free to go. The captain has nobody but himself to rely on the island. In today’s pop-culture, we see self reliance as entertainment more than anything.
A third aspect of transcendentalism is free thought. Free thought is anything you think and express, unaffected by other peoples views, it has become a great part of today’s pop-culture. Ralph Waldo said “Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” This is just saying, whatever you do there will always someone to disagree with you and try to stop you. If there was ever a son, movie, or book you weren’t allowed to listen to, watch, or read when you were younger it was probably an example of free thought. I was raised in a Christian family and there was a band called Falling In Reverse that I wasn’t allowed to listen to because they showed atheistic points of view. Although, I am a Christian I like their music and I believe it’s a good example of free thought. Atheism in itself is an example of free thought, because even though 90% of people believe in some sort of religion, they are not afraid to show what they believe. Another, example of free thought would be homosexuality. Homosexuality is a good example of free thought because even though most people think it’s wrong they still express themselves and stand for what they believe in.
Transcendentalism is a very important aspect and with out it there would never be any progress. Although, most people might not be able to define transcendentalism, it is part of every ones life whether the realize it or not.

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This article has 1 comment.

Ray_is_nice said...
on Jan. 14 2015 at 4:59 pm
wow great article