"Loyalty In Professional Sports" review | Teen Ink

"Loyalty In Professional Sports" review

January 29, 2014
By Nate Bassous SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Nate Bassous SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In "Loyalty In Professional Sports," Jason L. explains how there is a lack of loyalty in professional sports. I agree with Jason L. He points out that professional athletes of today make decisions based on what's best for them. I too believe money is the most important object to athletes. Often, an athlete will move from one side of the country to another to play for a team that has offered that person more money than they were making with their original team. I believe an athlete owes something to the fans and city where they play. These players already make a ton of money, so I think they should pass up more money to stay where they are. This would be the best move for their family, friends, teammates, and fans. Professional athletes should put others ahead of themselves and their own personal gain.

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