In Responce to "Keep It Casual" | Teen Ink

In Responce to "Keep It Casual"

January 31, 2014
By amiller SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
amiller SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summary: Lauren Coles article “Keep It Casual” is her sharing her opinion on how a relationship should be started. Lauren shares her past experience with a guy asking her out and her giving no interest in him at all. She also discusses that guys assume that females just automatically love going on dates. Lauren explains that going on traditional dates can be scary and awkward because you’re with someone that you hardly know. Lauren feels that going on casual dates are more effective. If you can just go to Taco Bell with someone randomly and get to know them that way it’ll make the presence less awkward.

Reaction: In response to Lauren Coles opinion of dating, I completely agree on being original while getting to know someone. I personally think that if you’re going on a date with someone, you should start talking to him or her through text or phone call before actually going out. I also think that Lauren should give dating more of a try rather than just not liking it.

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