War in Iraq | Teen Ink

War in Iraq

February 10, 2014
By Noah Frost SILVER, Continental, Ohio
Noah Frost SILVER, Continental, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The article is rather short but properly states the author’s views. Some of his views, however, lack a certain reality. The Iraq War wasn’t started by 9/11. Granted, it was believed Saddam Hussein was housing terrorists but Iraq itself was invaded for launching SCUD missiles at Israel. The United States was backed by Saudi Arabia (15/19 of the September 11th attacks were Saudi Arabian) and Iran, a staunch enemy of Iraq since the Iran-Iraq War. Saddam Hussein also gassed Kurdish settlements in the north of the country. Despite popular opinion in the United States, its not just “Muslims killing Muslims.” Its radical Shiites killing Sunnis, Sunnis attacking Kurdish civilians, and Ba’athists exterminating protesters. America is deemed a melting pot, but I believe that if there ever was such a thing, it’d be the Middle East. Here, cultures collide for better or for worse. By now, the US has withdrawn from Iraqi soil, setting up a transitional government with little hope of survival. The very day we abandoned the country countless car bombs were detonated in the streets. I believe that currently there is no way to bring democracy to a nation that has no want of it. Their moral codes and beliefs directly contradict any democratic government, thus one will never exist until their beliefs change.

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