The Queen Of Everything | Teen Ink

The Queen Of Everything

April 20, 2009
By sunsetsandwaves19 BRONZE, Lenox Dale, Massachusetts
sunsetsandwaves19 BRONZE, Lenox Dale, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In Deb Caletti’s novel the Queen Of Everything, Jordan Mackenzie’s life is going fine. She has never been closer to her father, Vince, since she moved out of her mothers for a change, and in with her father. One day while Jordan is working at her job, the True You Health Center, a place for overweight women, a very attractive young woman came in, and started talking to Jordan. Jordan immediately took to the women, loving her scent, and the way she carried herself. Everything was fine, that is until Jordan finds her dad’s car parked in the driveway of Gayle D’Angelo’s, the lady from the Health Center. After that moment, Jordan’s life becomes filled with questions about love and friends, lies, and violence. I would definitely recommend this novel and I give it an overall rating of four. If the reader is especially looking for a novel full of suspense, then this is one to pick. There were some really intense moments, and it was a very fast paced read. There were hardly any moments that were boring, and the end of each chapter, keeps you on the edge of your seat. Overall, this was a great book.


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