The Road | Teen Ink

The Road

October 31, 2018
By Anonymous

The Road is about a dad and his son trying to survive in the wild. The dad is trying to do everything in his power to survive and to go to a warmer place, but the cold and the rain is stopping them from traveling. Also, when they see a house, they look inside for blankets, food, and then leave to travel again. When they travel further down the road they saw more people with guns and try to hide from them.

I like about the book is the imagery for example when they are traveling down the road they see a city and go to see if they are nutrients but they see all dust from the people “the city was mostly burned. No sign of life” (McCarthy 12). What I did not like about The Road is it does not tell you what happen to the people, and I like about The Road is the action it has and for example it leaves you guessing what is going to happen next. I like the imagery it has for example when they are traveling the conditions outside are bad and the boy is freezing, and is raining an the dad ask the son if he was cold “ they had the hoods of their coats up but the coats were getting wet and heavy from the rain. The boy was shaking badly” (McCarthy125). I also like the theme because is easy to follow and you get theme for example the theme is the son and dad are trying to survive in the wild but the conditions does not let them travel easy, and there are gang and bad people in the road traveling and they are hiding away from them.

I will recommended to 15 and over because the language it has in the book and, to understand the struggle the son and the dad is going through. Also I will recommended this book to people that like action because The Road has a lot action, but it also has mystery because it leaves with what is going to happen next.

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