Loki's Wolves | Teen Ink

Loki's Wolves

October 31, 2018
By KNM2315 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
KNM2315 BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Matt Thorsen is a 13-year old who is taller and stronger than an average kid. He always had trouble with his classmates, Fen and Laurie Brekke. The Thorsen and the Brekke family don’t get along and is naturally that the three of them won’t get along either. Until one day, the Thorsen family were having a family gathering. Matt’s grandfather said “The runes have spoken,.. Our champion is Matthew Thorsen, Son of Paul and Patricia Thorsen.” (Armstrong and Marr 61) Matt couldn’t believe what he heard, that he was Thor representative. Then, Matt found out who were Loki’s representatives. Their mission is to find the other gods representatives and defeat the giant serpent.
Stories about descendants of mythology gods are very trending. A lot of authors like to use the sons or daughter of the gods, but Loki’s Wolves is different because they are the great-grandchildren of the mythology gods. However, Thor and Loki don’t get along, Matt and Fen are going to make a difference. In other books Thor and Loki are always fighting even in movies, and they always make Loki the antagonist of the story or movie, but Armstrong and Marr decided to make his descendant a protagonist.
Matt, Fin, and Laurie are a big part of Loki’s Wolves because this book is focusing on the beginning of their adventure and how they found the other defendants. There are 3 books in total and each one of them focus on a certain thing. What I like about this book is that it gives a lot of visual “Matt walked through the center of Blackwell, gym bag in hand, jacket thrown over his shoulder. It was dark now, with an icy wind from the north, but the cold felt good blowing back his sweat-soaked hair.” (Armstrong and Marr 1) Which illustrate the scene that is describe for the reader can have a visual of what is happening.
Loki’s Wolves genre is mythology, fantasy, adventure. If you like mythology brought to life, this book is ideal for you. If you like Percy Jackson: The lightning thief, this book is ideal for you. Also if you like any other Rick Riordan books this might fit your interest, but they are different mythologies. Rick Riordan does Greek mythology, and K.L. Armstrong does Norse Mythology. I like this book because of the adventure they have to go to reach their goal.

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