Tyrell by Goe Booth | Teen Ink

Tyrell by Goe Booth

January 25, 2019
By dlddavion BRONZE, Sacramento, California
dlddavion BRONZE, Sacramento, California
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Favorite Quote:
My mom always told me, "it dont matter what i do it's how i do it".

I usually don’t always enjoy reading books but this particular book caught my attention because the cover is a black kid in some apartment complex. When I seen that cover I had a automatic connection to it and immediately viewed it differently and I really enjoyed reading it.

Tyrell is about a teenage kid who’s dad got locked up at the wrong time. When his dad got arrested his mom basically put all the weight on his shoulders. So at a young age he became the man of his household. His brother was nothing but a lil boy so he couldn’t do much. With Tyrell’s mom not being a big factor in his and his brothers lives he’s living in a shelter and he can’t trust or depend on a soul. He was trying to get him and his family out of the shelter so he had to come up with a plan to make money. He started following in his dads footsteps and host a big party, like his dad used to. Only thing is he’s going to do things differently, he’s going to throw a nice clean party his dad used to have other things going on in his party. Other things like people selling and doing drugs at the party. Tyrell was smart enough tell them to take that outside somewhere else because that’s exactly what got his dad caught up in the first place. This is so relatable because everybody goes through some things and Tyrell’s situation is just like a lot of people from where I’m from, South Sacramento.

In my opinion Tyrell is a book that all people could enjoy and a book people should read. If you are someone who’s been through something or you’re going through something this is a good book to read. I chose this book to read in the beginning of the year and I really started to get in to it when I started to read it more and more because I could connect to it so much. For example how Tyrell’s dad been in jail, my dad’s been in jail for a long time before too. When I seen that I immediately connected and I’m sure a lot of other people from the hood can relate. Another good example is Tyrells best friend Cal who doesn’t have his dad in his life, some people can relate this too. In conclusion I would recommend this book to all people because I think everyone could enjoy it.

By Davion Dobbins

The author's comments:

In my book review a lot of people will relate and appriciate the realness of Tyrell.


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