The Cartel by Ashley and Jaquavis | Teen Ink

The Cartel by Ashley and Jaquavis

January 25, 2019
By nathan_mobbin GOLD, Sacramento, California
nathan_mobbin GOLD, Sacramento, California
10 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind"

I never really liked to read urban novels, but The cartel by Ashley and Jaquavis really caught my eyes. I've read 4 out the 7 novels and still continuing to finish the whole series because it’s leaves me eager to know what happens next.

The Cartel is about this notorious drug cartel that runs all of Miami with their power. It all went downhill for the Diamond family after the death of Carter Diamond the head of the cartel. Their family started to fall apart while the cartel started to lose power. It was all in the 3 brothers hands carter who was the oldest and Mecca and Monroe the twins to take their fathers spot to keep the cartel up and running. Not long until monroe was shot by Mecca for having sexual inercousre with his girl who was also pregnant with monroe's kid. Taryan Diamond the wife of Carter Diamond who was poisoned at the funeral of Monroe. The Cartel went after the Ma’tee’s family the leader of the Haitian Cartel for the false fact from Mecca for saying they was the cause of monroe’s death. So the Haitians took and kidnapped the daughter of the Cartel Breeze Diamond.

Carter becomes the main character from the help of Mecca and Zyir. They help Carter run the cartel and change the ways it used to be and make them bring the family back together. They also show him love and loyalty for trying to take his fathers spot. There are some difficulties and drama that's slowing Carter and making him lost.

This book would make you feel all the emotions and violence that’s happening. It gives you images in your head that makes it so realistic. It’s a storyline that keeps making you want to know wants going to happen next. So if I was you I’ll put this as the next book to read.

The author's comments:

This book would leave you eager to know what happens next.


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