Thugz cry | Teen Ink

Thugz cry

January 25, 2019
By lulbabbyj SILVER, Sacramento, California
lulbabbyj SILVER, Sacramento, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Tupac Shakur-i think i'm a natural born leader. I know how to bow down to authority if its authority that I respect.

Drake- i was born to make mistakes not to fake perfection.

Who will come out with the win in the end of it all?

Thugz cry is about money, sex,drug,heartbreak and murder. You can never have a life outside of the streets because your problems follow you home. Other than money and his street fame Cj loves his family, his homie Raheem and his first love Tamika. Tamika makes things hotter in the streets for cj when she finds another hustler name Nard to fill the void that she was feeling after she found out cj was cheating on her. When cj goes to nards to claim what’s his he make a clown out of nard on his birthday to get tamika back. When he gets her back he makes tamika get an abortion after he finds out she pregnant with the baby of his enemy. There's a war that has been started  which lead to tamika and cj mom and sister getting killed.

Cj and Raheem both grew up in Newark, New Jersey in the neighborhood of the bricks. Raheem felt he needed to get away from the bricks to further with his with his writing skills. He moves to ATL where he had a side hustle to make his money that he need for school even tho he was on a full scholarship. When he gets caught up behind someone setting him up he goes to jail for 3 years and his school privileges are taken away from him so he couldn't finish getting his degree in writing. When he gets out he go back to the bricks to visit his grandmother and his sister. When he gets back he finds out that his sister is pregnant by another hustler.

Cj and Raheem both lost people they love which hurt them to the core. Now the streets was gon feel the raft of both of 2 people that lost some they love dearly.

In the end cj takes his own life at his own hands which lead nard to thinkin he came out on top with a win.Do you think nard and his crew will survive this war with raheem?


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