Twilight | Teen Ink


May 15, 2019
By 828374 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
828374 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, Bella, a teenager, moves from a sunny town in Arizona to a new high school in the rainy, gloomy town of Forks, Washington where she meets her soulmate. She lives with her father, Charlie, who introduces her to the Black family which is how she befriends Jacob Black. At Bella’s new high school, she makes more friends, who tell her about the mysterious Cullen family. Bella meets Edward Cullen and can’t stop thinking about him. This leads her to discover his secret - that he and his family are vampires. This popular romance novel is exciting, and I was always looking forward to read the next chapter.

Throughout the book, Edward’s character definitely developed. At the beginning of the book, he wanted nothing to do with Bella. As his relationship with her got stronger, Edward realized that he couldn’t stay away from the girl in his Biology class. On the other hand, I couldn’t really connect with the main character, Bella. She is shy, quiet, and definitely an introvert, but I am extroverted. She keeps secrets from her dad and others, such as the fact that she is seeing Edward, and I couldn't lie to my parents. One way Bella and I are similar is that both of us care about the important people in our lives.

Although this book transported me into a fantasy world, the vampires and werewolves weren’t the only parts of Twilight that were unrealistic. Edward has difficulty controlling his desire to kill Bella. He wants to drink her blood so badly but never does. I find this unrealistic for a vampire having the restraint to not kill her.

The author's comments:

I recently just read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. While reading this book, it took me away into a new fantasy world.


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