The Lighthouse - Book Review | Teen Ink

The Lighthouse - Book Review

March 18, 2021
By Anonymous

I read the novel with a sense of warmth. It was heartening to see the protagonist family in the time of a cruel war because they found their dawn and also the true meaning of life. After the war, amid such adversity, they were able to regain their hope for life. This existence is the embodiment of literary tension. A beautiful contrast such as this is shocking, which is why so many people are moved by this book. I feel that the content of this book is so powerful that people will not recall the cruelty of the war after they are done reading, but will be immersed in the same beauty and joy that the characters experienced.

The book also strengthens this pattern in its structure, which is divided into three units. One focuses on the protagonist family, doing things like enjoying a good dinner. Through such a window, we can see the life we dream of and want to pursue. In the second phase, when the war comes, the idea of the family going to the lighthouse is eliminated, which is stark and painful. Finally, after the conclusion of the war, the family again visits the lighthouse. At this point in the novel, they visit the site to feel the essence of life and appreciate their artistic talents. The reality of war and dreaming about the lighthouse are two opposite forces, and they are the embodiment of tension. By comparing the two, the author expresses his aversion to war, which is a feeling that everyone who has experienced the horrors of war can share. It is natural to criticize war. Obviously, the lighthouse shows a clear direction, because its purpose in our daily life is to guide the way for ships. It is not difficult to imagine that in the novel , it can guide people away from evil and allow them to experience a sense of truth.

The lighthouse is a symbol of reason and truth. Because the story is a coherent whole, made up of individual components of the James family, each of them an artist in a sense, it has meaning. The concept of reason reminds us of serious and rigid principles. Just like the father in the novel, it is a strict and dignified presence. It embodies a strong existence, and it always supports the family. Although it endures many storms, its body and navigational ability remain firm and upright. It is as if the lighthouse provides light and direction for every ship that passes by, day and night, day and night, regardless of weather or season. In the book, the image of the lighthouse is described as a "white rock,” and a beacon that is "standing upright rigidly” while there are "clothes basking on rocks" and such. This seems to reinforce the author’s original idea about the story. In James' heart, every time he dreamed of the lighthouse from his childhood, he would think of educating his father, the man full of reason and wisdom, who guided him to adulthood. He had to use this truth to see the meaning of the journey in the dream.

The lighthouse is also a symbol of love and harmony. This is the embodiment of maternal love – that is, the character of James' mother. She always tries to make her children feel her broad maternal love, and to love them with gentleness. The warm and tender role she takes on is that of a real and powerful female representative. She is very different from the father, as she is without a sense of strict discipline. She only wants the children to grow up happily and healthily. Therefore, in her heart, she is also like a lighthouse, but a gentler one. Her efforts can also be compared with aspects of the war. The harmonious and beautiful side of a mother can protect her children's growth in the world. Only in this sweet and peaceful place can we explore the beauty of life and experience the true meaning of our existence.

"The Lighthouse" also plays an essential role in the growth of a person. Its existence will guide a natural artist who is not overly gifted, very ordinary and influenced by war in the heart, but who is good at discovering beauty and dares to seek truth. This inspirational novel has moved me greatly, and helps me to understand that everyone around me must be their own guide, to choose how to spend their time. We all must also choose clear directions and strive deeply to become closer to personal success.

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