Ghost Book Reveiw: Attached | Teen Ink

Ghost Book Reveiw: Attached

October 20, 2021
By Anonymous

“Ghost” by Jason Reynolds, tells the story of a boy who starts as a trouble maker and learns to find his passion for track. Ghost was just a nickname he gave himself because he felt that he was a ghost to everyone and no one noticed him. He came from a rougher side of the neighborhood and has a really deep history. He gets bullied quite a bit and gets in trouble frequently. He stopped by the track one day and was just trying to one-up some people and he ended up finding out track was what he loved. There were some mistakes and a lot of sunflower seeds throughout the track season, but it was worth it. This book gives a good example of what a lot of kids could relate to. Not having a stable family or school life and just being able to let loose on their hobbies. When you read this book you will be full of emotions. By the end, you will feel like Ghost is your best friend. 

A very interesting character is Coach Otis Brody. Coach believed in Ghost throughout the whole story and was one of his biggest supporters. Coach and Ghost became very close throughout the story because they both came from a rough past and Coach understands Ghost. Coach bails Ghost out of trouble and still helps him learn from his mistakes. He knows what's best for Ghost. Coach has all of the players on the team like his family and he pushes them to their best.

Another character who challenges Ghost is Lu. In the beginning, Lu didn't like Ghost because he thought we were the best and didn't want someone else as fast as him on the team. Towards the middle of the book, Lu and Ghost connect and become more friends rather than competitors. Lu is still Ghost's biggest competition, but they help push each other towards their goals and stick up for each other.

Even with all the support Ghost has, he still struggles. Ghost says “I just have a lot of scream inside of me.” A lot of people can relate to this quote because it shows they are lonely and don’t have anyone to talk to. Ghost goes through a lot throughout the story and he feels alone. Part of the nickname Ghost comes from this because it explains him being alone. It allows you to kind of feel what Ghost feels.

Finally, I would give this book an overall 3 stars. It is a very interesting book and has a lot of plot twists. I do think is better for younger kids who are starting to read more mature books and want something a little more difficult. Older people can enjoy this book as well for an easy read. 


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