Twisted Summer | Teen Ink

Twisted Summer

May 29, 2009
By Makayla Borgen BRONZE, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
Makayla Borgen BRONZE, Brooklyn Park, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Twisted Summer

Twisted Summer is a mystery novel written by Willo Davis Roberts. It was published in 2006 by Aladdin Paperbacks. It is a relatively short book and is approximately 190 pages. I typically don’t enjoy reading mysteries, but to my surprise I really liked twisted summer. It’s probably my favorite of its genre because of the suspense that takes you on an unexpected journey. As cheesy as it sounds, while reading this book I felt like an actual detective trying to solve a murder.

Cici, the narrator carries the voice of a young, free spirited fourteen year old. Every year Cici and her family spend the summer at the lake. Cici is really excited to show everyone how much she’s grown in the past year. This summer, all she wants is to fit in with the older kids and to stop being known as one of the little dweebs. And if she’s lucky, maybe she’ll even catch the eye of her crush, jack. Her perfect plans take an abrupt turn when she finds out there’s been an unexplainable murder on the lake. Cici’s even more surprised when she finds out jack’s brother, Brody, has been convicted of the murder. Being that Cici is completely convinced of his innocence, she and jack set out on a dangerous journey to find the real killer.

If you’re into mysteries and suspenseful stories read Twisted Summer. Roberts did a great job keeping me guessing and interested. For example, throughout the entire book I was certain that I knew who the killer was; to find out I was completely wrong in the end. Although I wouldn’t say her writing style is the least bit original, it was good enough to keep me reading. Roberts does an amazing job introducing vibrant characters that you end up growing to care about. She also excelled in inventing relatable characters. Whether it was Cici’s bubbly personality, Jack’s lovable boyishness or anybody else on the lake, each character reminded me of someone I know. For instance, Cici reminded me of one of my best friends because of her lively personality; because of this I think I enjoyed the book even more. The suspense of this book is almost mind-boggling, and it has a way of making you eager for more and more. Another great thing about this book is it’s suitable for anyone. Whether you’re thirteen or seventy-five you’ll find Twisted Summer captivating.

I have to admit, I think reading about murder is a strange way of entertainment and I wouldn’t have read this book if I wasn’t required to. However, I’m glad I did because I ended up really enjoying it. Twisted Summer isn’t one of the first books I would recommend to someone, but if I were asked about a mystery I enjoyed, I would suggest this book. On a scale of one to ten, I would give this book a six.

The author's comments:
I wrote the Twisted Summer book review for as an english assignment(:


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