Wild robot | Teen Ink

Wild robot

January 17, 2023
By Anonymous

The Wild Robot is my favorite book by far, it is about robots, adventure, and animals. In the book the robot falls off of a book in the middle of the ocean with about 5 other robots. There are in large wooden crates the robots float in the ocean for days until they reach the island. When floating up to the island all but one robot gets destroyed. The name of this robot is Roz. She is a caretaker robot. 

Roz lays on the beach for a long time until some silly seagulls come by and start pecking at her one of the times the birds hit her on button whirl buzzzzz she's coming to life solar panels extend out of her shoulders and as the bright sun hits them she grows stronger and stronger until she's completely functional. She then starts to walk around the island gathering information on her surroundings listening to the animals chirp and communicate to one another. She climbs a mountain that is on the island to see if she can find anything. That's when she realizes she is all alone on an island with no communication with anything or anyone.

Because  she's there alone she builds a home for herself on a lake eventually after a few months she starts to understand the animals around her she starts speaking to animals she starts to feel less lonely and more at home. She has a few projects in mind: she builds a lookout tower and a bridge; she helps a family of beavers rebuild their dam after it was destroyed in a flood. As she does this she starts to get close with the other animals and they start to accept her as one. 


One day she is walking in the forest when she sees a horrible sight. A wolf attacked a mother duck and ate all but one egg which had rolled out of the nest and up against a rock Roz decided to become its mother like she's programmed to be. She carefully picks up the egg and brings it home with her. She gets the egg, a nice soft nest made out of moss, twigs, and mud. She uses her robotic parts to keep the egg warm and alive. She spends close to two whole months giving it all the heat that it needs. 

One day the egg cracks open and out pops a duck. This duck was very very tiny. Over the next months summer came and Roz and her little duckling kid learned a lot. Roz  taught the duck to fish and swim but the hardest thing for them to learn was how to fly because a robot doesn't fly very well so the duck had no one to learn from. As fall came the duck was ready to make its travels south with the flock Roz was sad her little duck had left but now she has an even larger issue there are robots coming to take her back to the factory and reprogram her.

The big scary robots arrived on flying ship when the landed the attacked Roz but she was ready for them her and her animal friends would fight them she took out five of them all by herself but the next day more came to get her she fought very hard but in the end got taken back to the factory leaving all her friends which still live on the island.

The author's comments:

this piece is about the book wild robot which is one of my favorite books that I have read 

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