100 Cupboards | Teen Ink

100 Cupboards

February 26, 2024
By jackshepersky SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
jackshepersky SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I believe that almost everyone has felt that they just wanted something to help themselves escape from all life's stress. Just get away from all of the struggles and problems and get lost in a great book. If so, 100 Cupboards; written by N.D. Wilson is a great book for doing just that. I recommend this book to everyone. Reading this book provided an escape, it is full of mystery and excitement, and it is a quick read.

First, reading this book is a great escape from the natural stresses of life. N.D. Wilson transports the reader into the main character’s, Henry’s shoes. The reader can honestly feel what it is like being in the situations Henry is thrown into. The reader can simply get lost in all of the mystery and excitement in the book.

Next, 100 Cupboards has nonstop mystery and excitement throughout the entire book. From the first page to the last, 100 Cupboards will have whoever the reader is captivated by the many exciting yet mysterious pages written by N.D. Wilson. This was a tough book to set down before completely reading it.

Last, it is a pretty quick read. It was surprising to me when I first read it that N.D. Wilson could fit so much into a book that is under 300 pages. It is not like one of those annoying books where the words are really small and the author tries to do too much so it is tough to follow the story. N.D. Wilson keeps it fairly simple, yet still makes it very interesting.

These are my reasons that I would recommend 100 Cupboards because it provides a great escape, it is full of mystery and excitement, and it is a quick read. Those are some good reasons to read it, but definitely not the only reasons to read it. But don’t just take it from me, go read it and find all of the reasons out by reading it yourself.

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