Renegades | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By MalenaM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
MalenaM SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“One cannot be brave who has no fear,” is a quote from Renegades by Marissa Meyer. This quote is often used throughout the trilogy and holds much meaning throughout the story as the characters fight for their beliefs, which aren’t so different. Although, considering one is the typical superhero; otherwise known as a Renegade, while the other is an Anarchist, a villain. What sets the two apart are their actions, morals, and ways of living. With the two protagonists and one being a Renegade, a superhero who is adored by all, it’s hard not to have secrets. Some are just harder to keep. The secret alter egos of the two protagonists, plot twists, and superpowers are only a couple of things that make this a great and entertaining book. 

The alter egos of the protagonists of Adrain Everhart and Nova Artino are kept secret. Nova Artino, known as Nightmare, gets her alter ego to spy on the Renegades and becomes Nova McLain with the alias Insomnia. Adrian Everhart, who also goes by Sketch, creates the Sentinel. Throughout the books, their alter egos are the opposite of what they believe in. The Sentinel is believed to be an Anarchist even though he claims to be a Renegade; a superhero. Insomnia, or Nova McLain, is a Renegade, a made-up person. She is the complete opposite of Nightmare. Both of their secrets become harder to keep with all the action. Hiding wounds and pretending they don’t hurt is harder than some think. Although, with all of this action comes some pretty great plot twists. 

The plot twists in Renegades aren’t great because they are mind-blowing facts the reader wouldn’t see coming. No, it’s the subtle hints they don’t realize until that mind-blowing fact comes along. All of the evidence, the clues, and the hints they’ve mindlessly ignored come together into one mind-blowing fact that keeps them entertained until the next. These plot twists come from all over, characters, superheroes, villains, and sometimes the protagonists themselves. All of these plot twists are so well written and thoroughly throughout it just makes sense when the plot twists help you piece the tiny little clues together. Some of these plot twists and tiny little clues come from their superpowers. 

All of the characters' superpowers are different. It is a wide range in variety along with some of the more common ones like elemental powers for example; fire and water. Though there are more creative superpowers mentioned such as; blood that turns to rubies, drawings that can come to life, and just by a single touch a person can fall asleep. Their superpowers play a key role throughout the Renegades series and add a bit of a mystery when one of the protagonists, Adrian Everhart, starts to see how far his power can go while Nova tries to keep her powers a secret and refrains from using them. He, on the other hand, explores the depths of his power and sees just how much he can use it to his advantage.  

The two protagonists, Nova Artino and Adrian Everhart, are enemies. Both have secrets that could eventually destroy them. As evidence piles against them the pieces start to click into place on who they are and with their superpowers it’s harder to maintain their alter egos. All of the suspense and plot twists make this a great book as the characters stand up for themselves and take risks that could ruin everything if someone starts to piece the clues together. Everything to the alter egos, plot twists, and superpowers make this a great, entertaining read for all of the science-fiction lovers out there.

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