Th1rteen R3asons Why | Teen Ink

Th1rteen R3asons Why

August 29, 2009
By BannedGeekII SILVER, Commack, New York
BannedGeekII SILVER, Commack, New York
8 articles 0 photos 17 comments

A beautifully written story about a girl, who didn't quite seem to like her life. A girl who decided, it just wasn't worth living anymore… Hannah Baker. Her suicide note… Thirteen tapes. Th1rteen R3asons Why… Why she killed herself.
Clay receives the tapes one day when he got home from school. Having no idea what the tapes were he decided to play them. That decision changed his life forever. Just like the decision I made to read this book. Clay soon found out what a good impact he had on Hannah Baker's life, just a little bit too late.
I hate some of those books today. The ones where an adult attempts to capture high school and write it down in a book. But, this book was different. You could tell how much research was put into it. It was one of those books that you feel it necessary to compliment the author on his writing after you are done. It was one of those rare books where you just want there to be more to the story. You feel in love with the characters. They had life outside of the pages. 3-D souls almost. After I had finished the book I just couldn't get enough of it. I went on the author's website, read the authors note, read reviews of the book and then wrote my own review.
I don't see how I can ever forget this book. I know I will read it over and over. Now that I know the outcome. I just want to read it over and take it the format, the words. I'm never going to forget them. I really believe that Jay Asher did an amazing job with this book and anyone who reads it is lucky.

The author's comments:
You have to read this book.


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