Hannh's Gift: Lessons From A Life Fully Lived by Maria Houdsen | Teen Ink

Hannh's Gift: Lessons From A Life Fully Lived by Maria Houdsen

October 11, 2009
By lumos_nox BRONZE, North Tonawanda, New York
lumos_nox BRONZE, North Tonawanda, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She was so young; young and kind and beautiful, the kind of person our world needs in these troubled times. Those were only some of the thoughts that swam through my hazy mind, thick with grief for a girl I was only reading about, as I read about the life and death of an amazing preschooler named Hannah. This gorgeous little girl never let the world run her down; regardless of her ongoing, losing battle against childhood cancer. Her veracious story was filled with both the good times and the bad but one thing for sure: this narrative from a wise, grief-stricken mother instills hope in all that read it.

After Hannah's death in her mother's arms at a mere four years of age halfway through the book, this book does not take on a route of overwhelming sadness. Hannah's life inspired so many and her radiance did not leave with her soul. On one occasion, a woman who did not know the Houdsen's, left them a beautiful quilt depicting an angel that looked just like Hannah, saying the angel came to her. This was not the only example of Hannah reaching down from heaven and it was these occurrences that seemed to have the most profound affect on me.

When I read this book, I was at a dark place in my life. I was not happy and I felt very alone in this world. Hannah's gifts from heaven made my disbelieving mind believe that something else is truly out there. While I am not a very religious person, Hannah's story gave me the hope I needed to discover myself. I am no longer in the dark place I once resided, for I now know that there is more than just this life on Earth. I am finally at peace with myself and I am truly happy.

Hannah's Gift is a truly inspirational novel. I first borrowed this book from my local library, and it was so amazing that I proceeded to buy a copy for the sole purpose of lending it to others. Since its purchase, Hannah's Gift has traveled into the possession of countless individuals. Whether they were my friends, my mom's coworkers, or the neighbors down the road, I know all have been left in awe at the profound effect that this novel has upon its readers.


This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 15 2009 at 5:30 pm
thank you so much for this beautiful response to HANNAH'S GIFT. if you have a profile on facebook, please 'friend' me there.