Belgariad Series | Teen Ink

Belgariad Series MAG

By Anonymous

   The David Eddings' Belgariad series is the best I have read yet. The books are about a boy named Garion and his companions on a quest to recover the Orb of the Gods, which the evil god Torak stole from his brother Aldur. Garion will have to kill Torak to get it back. It tells of their adventures around their world and how they manage to accomplish this task.

This series contains all the things I like in a book: magic, fighting, and lots of adventures and chases. Eddings makes you feel like you are travelling with them on their journey, and you begin to feel like you are old friends on a quest to save the world. You have to like all the characters because they leave a strong imprint on your mind. Some of my favorites are Mandorallen, Barak, Silk, Lelldoran, and Polgara.

If you are bored of sitting in class and listening to the same information over and over, and want a new adventure, you should read these books. They will make you sad when you are finished, but also happy that all of the characters have fulfilled their dreams.n


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i love this !