Cold Sassy Tree | Teen Ink

Cold Sassy Tree

December 17, 2007
By Anonymous

On July 6,1906, the talk of the town had been that E. Rucker Blakeslee, three weeks widowed, had eloped. In Cold Sassy, a rural and closely knit community, things like that never happened in Cold Sassy. Things from that day on would never be the same. Cold Sassy Tree (391 pages),by Olive Ann Burns is about Will Tweedy, E. Rucker Blakeslee's grandson, adventures in Cold Sassy and how Cold Sassy changed. Will Tweedy is a lot like Scout because they are both imaginative and adventurous. Also Cold Sassy Tree is the first book of a sequel and Leaving Cold Sassy is the second book which was published after Olive Ann Burns died.

Anyone that enjoys a good book will love to read Cold Sassy Tree. Also it has lots of interesting characters. It is easy to read because it is clearly written but still appropriate for ages 13 and up.


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