Mythology by Edith Hamilton | Teen Ink

Mythology by Edith Hamilton

October 6, 2010
By KimberlyGrubbs BRONZE, Gulfport, Mississippi
KimberlyGrubbs BRONZE, Gulfport, Mississippi
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In life God doesn’t give you the people you want, instead He gives you the people you need. To teach you, to hurt you, to love you, and make you exactly the way you should be."

Mythology by Edith Hamilton is a wonderful book that thoroughly explains the adventures of gods , goddesses , and heroes during the times of Ancient Greece. Because of the concise explanation of each god , I could really understand the relationships the gods and goddesses had with nature, humans, and other gods , or goddesses. It is a very good book that made me understand the hard task each hero had to complete to reach eternal happiness. Once again , I must say this book is wonderful ! If you really need a clear understanding of Greek Mythology , please read this book !

The author's comments:
I loved this book . It really made me understand Greek Mythology . Also , it has great stories in it about the gods. I think that teenagers should read this book .


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