Nightshade by Andrea Cremer | Teen Ink

Nightshade by Andrea Cremer

March 12, 2011
By musicisthegoodlife GOLD, Daegu, Other
musicisthegoodlife GOLD, Daegu, Other
17 articles 1 photo 8 comments

From the moment I heard the title of this book, I felt a strange longing to read it. I didn't know why and all I had read was the first chapter on the Internet but the longing hung for several days. I raced to the bookstore a few days later, excited by this strange book that urged me to read its pages.
'Nightshade' is the story of Calla Tor. Her family and herself have always been guardians for the keepers for generations, following the rules and ways of their keeper. Calla will soon become the mate of a strong and popular alpha, Ren, on the day of their union. Things become entirely different when Calla saves a hiker from being killed by a bear. The moment the hiker, Shay, steps into Calla's life, her world turns upside down. Things aren't the way they used to be and her heart beats toward the wrong person, the mysterious yet charming boy named Shay. As the union becomes closer Calla is faced with a choice that will change her life forever; will it be true love or fullfilling the purpose of her existence?
This book was exciting and different in a good way. A lot of books similar to this genre tend to be on vampires but this book was fresh; introducing a new kind of werewolf to its readers. The storyline was surprisingly detailed and it kept me flipping through the pages. Another part I loved about this book was the relationships between the characters. It's really difficult to have so many characters yet make the reader care but Andrea Cremer pulls it off wonderfully. One thing I didn't quite understand though, was the part where Shay is turned into a werewolf. It seemed awkward strange of him to hunt and walk around naturally on the day he was changed. It seemed unrealistic even for a fiction book. Besides that, I loved 'Nightshade'. This book also kept me thinking about the power of choice. What are we willing to do for something we believe is precious? What if you had to throw away everything and everyone for the person you love? Will you be able to take the risk?


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