after school nightmare by mizushiro setona | Teen Ink

after school nightmare by mizushiro setona

April 9, 2011
By grayswan SILVER, Bronx, New York
grayswan SILVER, Bronx, New York
9 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
my heart is closed i can't see alot of wat people see, the sadness of my life consumed it now that so much happened i wonder if it'll ever be open so i can find out why .why im here my purpose and why i shouldn't dissapear atleast yet.......

this is by far my favorite manga. it is a beautifuly drawn and writin its an allegory and genderbender. the main character mashiro Ichigo is really cool and cute to all the girls. but he isn't really a he is a boy on top and girl on the bottom. and when he expriences he's first period he is told to graduate his school he needs to pass a class after school in dream world and find a key. his classmates are also in the nightmare serching for the same thing. I won't spoil the story but its intresting I had cryed at the ending but i laghed so much durring the story. U will relate yourself to the story cuase we all have memories and problems we keep bottled up inside. And the relationships was intense and romantic one with one of the both sex which you may think ewww but its not its romantic not a smut. just the new to romance type relationship read it love it and reread it when your down on new manga

The author's comments:
i love how this book is written its anime worthy and so cute i wish people would ignore the body mix problem and potential gay sences and see the love.

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