It’s Not About The Bike; My Journey Back to Life by Lance Armstrong with Sally Jenkins | Teen Ink

It’s Not About The Bike; My Journey Back to Life by Lance Armstrong with Sally Jenkins

June 1, 2011
By audreykramer1 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
audreykramer1 BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
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“About 3,400 people are diagnosed with cancer each day”, and “about 1,500 people die of cancer each day” (Organized Wisdom). Who would have guessed world famous cyclist Lance Armstrong would be one of those 3,400? I wouldn’t, and neither did he. Lance Armstrong expresses every battle he went through during his cancer/chemotherapy process in the book It’s Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life by Lance Armstrong.

The story is about Lance Armstrong’s life. From the time he was a little boy, biking around for fun just like all little boys do, to when he was a man, cycling as a profession and a love. It also talks about the cancer diagnosis, and the after math of the chemotherapy.

“When you open up a gap, and your competitors don’t respond, it tells you something” Armstrong says. “They’re hurting. And when they’re hurting, that’s when you take them.” As you read this book, and learn all about his journey, you will feel like you are one with Lance. He takes you into his mind, into his heart, and into his bike as he tells you the fear, hopelessness, determination, and drive he had during his cancer process, and during the races he endured.

Even though this book is a lot about cancer, and the sport cycling and everything you need to know about it, it’s also about love, and Lance getting his life back together. I absolutely loved this book, and recommend it to anyone who’s up for an action packed, exciting, and heart warming story. This book really made me think. It made me realize how strong Lance Armstrong, and any other cancer survivor is. During this book you will be disappointed, nervous, you will get so happy you might jump out of your chair, and so sad you could cry.

When you’re done reading this, you will think so much differently about Lance Armstrong, and about the life he lives. You may even think differently about your life. It really does take you through the journey he went through; to put his life back together, and show people he’s just as strong as before, or maybe even stronger. So ready or not, here you go. And take the journey into the book, and see just how good it is.


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