The Temptress Four | Teen Ink

The Temptress Four

February 21, 2008

I really enjoyed "The Temptress Four" by Gaby Triana. As a senior, I can understand the girls' anxiety over leaving behind everything they've known for the past four years and moving on to a new chapter in their lives.

The personality of each character was very distinct, and each personality seemed to represent a type of person one would encounter in a high school. The entire story seemed very realistic, and I could relate to the characters well. Triana did an excellent job crafting a group of friends with all the struggles of any group of high school students. When reading this book, I could imagine me and my friends in the same situation after our graduation. Together, the girls experience love, anger, betrayal, and understanding, and learn about themselves in the process.

The only complaint I have about “The Temptress Four” is that the plot progresses very quickly. However, because the entire story takes place over the duration of a cruise, I realize why the pace of the book is so rapid.

I would recommend this book to anyone, high school student or otherwise, who is struggling to find her place in the world. This book deserves five stars!


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