Rules of the Road By by Joan Bauer | Teen Ink

Rules of the Road By by Joan Bauer

March 17, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Joan Bauer puts a lot of detail into this novel, called Rules of the Road. The whole book is written in regular typed words, sometimes italics, and quotes. It is told through the life of Jenna Boller, who works at a shoe store trying to help her mother and younger sister, since her father walked out on them. It tells how this teenage girl gets chosen to drive the owner of the shoe store around to different states for conventions, and for the owner to hand over the business to her son. The main purpose of this book is to entertain and teach teens to help out your family buy earning extra money so not all of the pressure is bundled up on the single parent.

Joan Bauer doesn't have the experience, knows that there are struggling parents out their. So she decided to write stories for kids so they can step up and help out their parent/ parents.

The two main characters: Jenna Boller, and Mrs. Gladstone, goes through many ups and downs. For example they go through the bickering of one another, and the argument of to whom should take over the Gladstone shoe business. Mrs. Gladstone wants to give it to her son, so it stays in the family name, but Jenna doesn't think that he is fit to run such a large business.

Over all, the book is a good book. It has very interesting information for the minds of kids, and even struggling parents. Once you have opened the book and have gotten to the point where Jenna's mom is struggling to take care of two teenage daughters, without a father hardly around, you won't want to put it down.


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