Midnight Predator by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes | Teen Ink

Midnight Predator by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

October 4, 2011
By MarbleMayhem BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
MarbleMayhem BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"there's no place like home"


Midnight Predator
By: Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes is the author of this spin tingling story. . One of her many books is Midnight Predator. Midnight Predator takes place mostly at the hall of midnight but the setting moves around throughout the story. The main characters are Turqusise Draka, Ravyn Ariketos, and Jaguar. The author does a good job about explaining what happens to Turqusise in her past and in the present.

The author doesn’t do a good job about explaining the roles some of the characters play. For the most part I enjoyed this book very much. I would recommend it to any one in junior high and up. Turqusise had to hide her strengths and make money while going to midnight for her assignment. Turqusise has had a rough life, watching her family be murdered in front of her.
Being claimed by a vampire or sold into slavery. Having to adjust her life style she used to live as Cathy to becoming a Bruja hunter. Turqusise is glad when she leaves Lord Daryl but is reluctant to sell herself back into slavery. Turqusise is a hunter , a predator. Hunter, Huntie, Predator, Prey. Which one are you?


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