Peak (Roland Smith) by Roland Smith | Teen Ink

Peak (Roland Smith) by Roland Smith

October 4, 2011
By Jace Stone BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
Jace Stone BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Peak is a great fictional book about a young climber who gets in trouble for climbing sky scrapers. He has to either pay a huge fine or leave the city for a while. Although, his dad is a professional climber so he takes him and they set off on an amazing adventure to climb Mount Everest! Did I mention that the main character’s name is also Peak? The boy is only 14 so if he tops Everest before his birthday, he will be the youngest to ever do so.
I liked the book a lot because it is hard to stop reading and there is some good action on every single page. Getting to the top of the mountain isn’t easy for peak either. He faces the threat of death by avalanche and being kicked off the mountain because of weather every day. His father Josh, has not been in his life for a long time so it is still hard for Peak to like him after ignoring him and his family for so long. Peak lives with his mom and step-dad who have two young twins that all love him and write him every day.
This book has recently been awarded the Rebecca Caudill award. I hope I have persuaded you to read this book, if so, visit your nearest library and start reading!

The author's comments:
my teacher made me


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