The Gallagher Series by Ally Carter | Teen Ink

The Gallagher Series by Ally Carter

November 28, 2011
By JacesFutureWife SILVER, Winder, Georgia
JacesFutureWife SILVER, Winder, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Suess
"Love makes the time pass. Time makes love pass." - French Proverb
"Live, Love, Laugh" - Unknown

This is by far one of my favorite series, but it hasn't always been this way. When I first found it in the book store and read the summary I was like NO WAY! Then I did some research on it. Reading reviews and seeing what people thought of it and every review I read people seemed very pleased with this book so I decided to go out and buy it. Let me tell ya... Once I started I could not put it down! I kept me on edge the whole time. Not so much in the first book, but more in the second and third books. That is where the suspense it at. I absolute fell in love with Zach! He was a lot like Patch in Hush, Hush. Very secretive and always making cryptic remarks that keep you wondering what he could have possibly meant. I guess before I talk about it anymore I should give you a little background on the book.

The main character is Cameron, or just Cammie, Morgan. She goes to Gallagher Academy For Spies, but then again the people of her hometown don't exactly know that do they? They just think they are some stuck up prep school. The story start off when the Gallagher Girls have a mission to accomplish at the local fair which is where the event takes place that sets everything else in motion. So with that she enlist her three best friends to help her find some information on a certain someone. There is a lot of action in this stories because these girls are always planning something. There's mystery, suspense, drama and romance. Because really? What book doesn't need a little romance? That is what I thought. This book has everything you need all pack into all four books.

These book have very dymanic characters. You can see them grow and change right before your eyes. They mature and they learn that sometimes you have to tell the truth to save themselves and others. I HIGHLY recommend this book and all the others. They are great books and can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike! Go buy them right now because I promise you won't be dissapointted!!


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