Milkweed | Teen Ink


January 13, 2012
By stretch118 BRONZE, Wellsburg, West Virginia
stretch118 BRONZE, Wellsburg, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli is a novel of historical fiction set in, Warsaw during World war II.
The theme is good vs. evil. Good is when Misha smuggles for the orphans and his family.
Evil is when the Nazi hang and kill the Jews just because of their religion.
The setting is in Warsaw, Poland. One day the Nazi police forced all the Jews in the ghetto.
On Sundays the Nazi police wouldn't shoot the Jews on Sunday.
They went to the ghetto and threw bread crumbs to the Jews and watched them fight over it.
Misha went out that night to go smuggle before he went through the little hole in the wall that
separated the town from the ghetto.
Food was flying over the wall this went on for a few nights then it stopped whoever was
Throwing the food must have got caught.
Mishas best friend, Urie stayed in town while misha went to the ghetto with janiea and her
Family. One day when the trains came, janiea ran to them and got thrown on one he tried to
run after her but one of the Nazi solider caught him he looked up it was, urie, he shoot misha .
misha had passed out whgen he awoke his ear was gone and he ccuold nthear then he looked
around everyone was gone the jaws, Nazi, everyone.
So misha went to look for jania but he never found her.


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