night | Teen Ink


May 31, 2012
By crystal lal BRONZE, Lincoln, California
crystal lal BRONZE, Lincoln, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In my opinion, let me just say that I don't believe words can of justice to this overpowering book, Night by Elie Wiesel. If you like the history of the Holocaust, you might like this book because it just shocks your brain out of reality, but at the same time, everything in this book added up to make a terrifying, yet realistic story that teaches you to cradle all the positive factors around you because you don't know how long they will be there.
This remarkable story is told in the deeply moving account of Elie Wiesel's experiences as a Hungarian Jew who is taken along with his family from Transylvania to the Nazi Concentration camps. Like Anne Frank, he's to split from some of his family, never to see them again. This, we expected, but what was different , was that he describes this life changing, scarring moment, in what seems like a calm, casual manner to me. There were no deep details and maybe that's what slapped my conscience.
But it's just the start of the end of his world. It was an emotional rollercoaster. Actually, they stopped feeling their emotions because they were shocked by the things happening around them. How did they make it through as long as they did? Love. Love was their families, but slowly many family members of the people dies and left the torture that seemed like an eternity. So, many gave up.
During Night, Wiesel shares his experiences that to me didn't make a happy ending. Night taught me to cherish your loved ones, and to smile as much as possible because to make up for the not so great moments.


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