Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor | Teen Ink

Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor

October 4, 2012
By Banshee SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
Banshee SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never give up even if the going gets tough"

Daughter of Smoke & Bone
By: Laini Taylor

The book Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor is one of the greatest Fantasy/Romance books I have ever read. At first I just thought this would be some boring old story with a character who's life goes horribly wrong (same old same old.) But it was so much more than that. The book actually tries to express itself to you.

The story takes place in Prague with an art student who's name is Karou. Karou is a very artistic and adventurous girl. “Your drawings are so life like” her friends say to her “fantasy” characters. But Karou's characters aren't fake they are real, and her family!

Karou is raised by creatures called chimera's (half human half man.) The chimera who takes Karou in is named Brimstone. Now in Brimstone's little shop he has an unusual trading intrust. He trades wishes for..... Teeth! Karou is always curious why Brimstone collects teeth but he never tells her. Karou is Brimstone's collector for the people who don't want to come into the shop. One day when she goes to collect teeth from an old friend she runs into something that her family hates an Angel.

The angel's name is Akiva and he is a mission to burn all of the portals leading to Brimstone's shop. But when he meets Karou he falls for her not at first though. At first he fights her and he doesn't know why. But as the story goes on he slowly falls for Karou because she reminds him of his dead lover Madrigal.

When all of the portals burn down and Karou has no way to contact her family she goes out and tries to find wishes so she can try and find a new portal. Akiva surprisingly helps her and so she is now off to find the portal. But something isn't right about how Akiva is acting and Karou knows it.

I honestly recommend this book to people thirteen to thirty. This book has many twists and turns that may take an unexpected twist. But there may be a secret about Karou that even she may not know.


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