Travel Team by Mike Lupica | Teen Ink

Travel Team by Mike Lupica

January 8, 2013
By Eric Hunter BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Eric Hunter BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Travel Team by Mike Lupica is wonderful and inspirational for kids who are very serious about their sport. It begins with a young basketball player named Danny Walker who was short. His whole life was compared to everybody in his whole grade as short.
This was a very successfully written book by Mike Lupica. It tells how Danny is smarter than he believes and what everyone else believes. The authors’ purpose for this book is to let a reader know that you can overcome anything no matter what the situation is. This writing piece was very effective and powerful to me as a kid and as a student athlete. It is effective and powerful as an athlete because there are many things that can go on off the court.
Danny Walker is a kid who overcame all adversity. The basic conclusion from this great book is basically about twelve-year-old Danny Walker knows something the coaches don’t know; you can’t measure your heart

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