Gossip Times Three by Amy Goldman Koss | Teen Ink

Gossip Times Three by Amy Goldman Koss

February 11, 2013
By Audrey.R BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Audrey.R BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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Abby, Bess, and Christy are 3 best friends just trying to get through middle school. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have huge crush on a boy and then find out that your best friend also likes him? This is what happens to Abby in Amy Goldman Koss`s, Gossip Times Three. They become enemies. Abby and Bess like Zack, but Bess gets Zack to ask her out. Let me tell you, it was like World War 3 started.
Abby and Bess are the leaders of the group. Christy just follows, does what people say, and never thinks much about it. Until her two best friends get in a fight over the same guy. Not good... Now she was in a tug-of-war situation, both girls need attention, but Christy can only give so much. Imagine if you were that friend, when you have two best friends and you think it is all going down and you just want everything to be the same again. They call themselves the DDD (Daughters with Divorced Dads). Except, Abby and Bess’ mom’s have boyfriends now and Christy is still, the lone wolf out.
Drama, drama, drama, People say it is so bad, and you know its bad, but it makes a great story! The story mainly takes place at the middle school, one of the girls’ houses, or on the soccer field, which is a very important part, I won’t tell you about because you will have to read to find out!
The author writes in an efficient type of writing, straight to the point. Not a complex read, but a fun read. I also think that the length of the book is just the right length. Nobody likes a book about one problem for 700 pages!
Have you ever read a book and thought, “Now what was the purpose of the book?”. As soon as you get to the end it will all come to you, always chose your friends before the person you like. You may think they mean the world to you then, but they’re probably not the one. However, if you do end up falling in love forever, then I guess Happily Ever After in middle school actually does come true... I thought this book was great. It sorta dragged on at the beginning, but towards the middle you got so hooked you just can’t put it down.
I would recommend this book to a female between the ages of 10-15, that would be that age that you know what they are feeling. You can relate to the book, Gossip Times Three, by Amy Goldman Koss. I think that is the most important. I loved the book and hope you do too.


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