Bud not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis | Teen Ink

Bud not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis

April 30, 2013
By Soccergal BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
Soccergal BRONZE, Monongah, West Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bud not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis is a heartwarming story about a young orphaned African American boy, in the mid-late 1930s, that is determined that his long lost father is a famous musician. This particular boy’s name is Bud Caldwell. When Bud is forced to move into a foster home of a cruel white family, he takes a drastic turn of events to go on the lam to try to locate his father. Along the way from Flint, Michigan to Grand Rapids, Bud meets new friends and new ideas begin to develop. Bud gets a chance of a life time to join a band and he does not refuse it, but secrets begin to unfold the longer he stays with his new family. Things will change and lives will never be the same in Bud not Buddy.
I highly recommend this book to any young adult who is interested in historical realistic fiction. In approximately 243 pages, you will experience the life Bud had to go through. I would rate this book as a five because of the adventure, the mystery that unfolds, and the historical facts that blend into the story

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