Every Day by David Levithan | Teen Ink

Every Day by David Levithan

May 26, 2013
By Bennedict BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
Bennedict BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only certainties in life are death and taxes...if only they came in that order!
Mark Twain

There's a aying tht says routine kills the best of us. It's somthing that everyone has, no matter if it' a scedule, a term, a process you know what is to be expected, and you rely on it. Emagin then, if outine was unheard of, if it simply didn't exist. That is the life of A. A is not a boy or a girl, he is a siteen year old, and that is where it ends. Every orning, A wakes up as smeone else, still him/herself, but in someone else's body. It has been like that his whole life. A must live by himself, leaving no trace in the lives of the bodies he inhabits, making no friends making no relationships. He cannot tell anyone anything that will last more than that day, because the next day, he will be someone else. It tourtures his mind, having to wake up, and figure out who A s, and what is going on around hi in the life of the person he is. It all changes when he falls in love. A is snared by the girlfriend of one of the guys he inhabits. Her name is Rhiannon, and she captures his soul, so much so, that he risks others lives so he can see her. He struggles with the truth, and when the truth is revealed, he struggles to explain. In a lightly surprising turn of events, Rhiannon beleives him, but now th problem of detachent arrises. Not only can she not recognize him, a day later in someone else's body, but she can't seem to get past A's outside form. A tries so hard to help her see that it dosn't matter, but Rhiannon can't get past the physical. So, with a melancholy air, A finally admits what was plain al along, relationships can't last. With hope for the future, A leaves Rhiannon with someone he thinks she will like, and then continues his journey to find who he/she really is.

The author's comments:
I really enjoyed this book, the thought of turning human's most basic princaple, his identity,is mind blowing. Imagine, not even knowing who you really are. Great phycalogical issues arise, are you realy living if you don't exist, if yu are actualy someone differesnt, someone else every single day? A thinks he is, but he can't prove it, and he struggles to hold on to anything, even his name.


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