The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

September 4, 2013
By iman_shere BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
iman_shere BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fault in Our Stars is written by John Green. John Green is a great, award-winning, New York Times, author. Some of his awards are the Printz Medal, Printz Honor, and the Edgar Award. He lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. John Green has a wife and a son. John Green has also wrote many other great books. Some of his other books are Paper Towns, Looking for Alaska, and An Abundance of Katherines.

The Fault in Our Stars is a fictional novel. The Fault in Our Stars takes place in Amsterdam. The two main characters are Hazel and Augustus. They met at a support group. Hazel has cancer and Augustus used to have cancer. Augustus falls in love with Hazel after a few bumps in the road.

As I said earlier, Hazel has cancer. She’s 16 and was diagnosed with cancer when she was 13. Hazel’s parents are like any other parents, overprotective. Hazel’s mom makes Hazel go to a support group. At the support group Hazel meets a guy named Augustus. Augustus has one real leg and a fake one. Augustus lost his leg because of his cancer that he used to have. Augustus calls Hazel beautiful on the first day he meets her which makes her happy because she thinks she isn't. Throughout the story, events all lead up to Augustus falling in love with Hazel. Augustus then uses his one wish (all cancer patients get a wish and Hazel already used hers) to take Hazel to Amsterdam to see the author of her favorite book. In Amsterdam Augustus tells Hazel bad news. Read the book to see what it is.

I absolutely loved this book. Whenever I was reading it I was on the edge of my seat. This book made me cry and laugh. John Green is brilliant and great at writing. I’m probably going to read this book again.

I would recommend this book to anybody in my grade or older. My sister thought I was too young, but I understood everything. As for people younger than me, they probably shouldn't read it and wait. This book is a must read! In conclusion, I loved this book and it brought me pleasure.

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