Montana 1948 by Larry Wayson | Teen Ink

Montana 1948 by Larry Wayson

November 21, 2013
By ed bragg BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
ed bragg BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my opinion, the book Montana 1948 not my personal favorite. The main summary of the book was that their family member, Frank, killed the Hayden’s Indian housemaid. I should also add in that the Hayden family is the main family you are reading about throughout this entire book. For a large portion of the book its just a struggle between the choice of family or what's right, and nothing much else that's important happens that wouldn’t spoil the story. The setting takes place in the small town of Bentrock, in northeastern Montana. Incase you were wondering, Bentrock doesn’t actually exist. I thought the story was overall not too bad, and I’m no book expert, so you can take my opinion with a grain of salt, but it loaded you up with a good amount of information that was nearly useless to know, and may have been mentioned only once or twice in the entire book. For example, you get to read that David Hayden’s father used to go to a coffee shop and sit down and talk with some of his friends. It’s not very important in the book at all, really. The author of the book, who is Larry Watson, has a writing style that, for me atleast, isn’t too entertaining. His writing isn’t too full of action throughout most of the book, and he spends a lot of time describing something instead of it actually happening. I for one am not a big fan of that, but if you like heavy descriptions, maybe this book is for you. I did feel that Wesley Hayden’s pistol, which he kept in his drawer, was a symbol of almost like a mask of some sort. He was a sheriff, but never carried his gun around. He didn’t like carrying it, and I assumed that it was a part of him he didn’t like and he tried to hide it by not carrying it with him anywhere, (which of course is not common for a sheriff). The audience I’d say this book would go well with are people who enjoy drama’s. I wouldn’t recommend it for kid’s too much because the story has parts where it involves molestation, murder, and suicide. Overall I’d give it a 2.5 out of 5, because the story and writing style just didn’t sit well with me. It seems like it could’ve been good, it just wasn’t for me. If you like everything I’ve mentioned above I’d say give it a try. Maybe you’ll end up liking it.

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